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18th Edition of Milano Unica Shanghai Shows Positive Signs for Future of Chinese Market


The 18th edition of Milano Unica Shanghai closed its doors on August 30th, with the collective participation of 44 high-end Made in Italy textile and accessories producers, and final tallies higher than those of March 2023.

In the ample exposition area of the Intertextile Apparel Fabrics fair, the 44 Italian exhibitor companies shared the spotlight, with 50% of the stands manned by company owners and area managers, a testament to the importance of the Chinese market for Made in Italy textiles and accessories. 

Thanks to this important initiative by ICE Agenzia for the internationalization and promotion of Italian companies overseas, the final tallies show an increased in collaboration with number of visitors compared to the March 2023 edition, although still slightly below the level of the 2019 edition.

Despite all the difficulties, China remains one of the most important markets for Italian exporters in the sector, and in this August 2023 edition, the most qualified Chinese buyers were able to reunite with the segment’s high-end Italian exhibitors. 

As already mentioned, despite the downturn of Hong Kong, the Chinese market is in third place, behind France and Germany, for the export of Made in Italy textiles, and trending upward at 7.3%.

 The segment of textiles and accessories for luxury apparel is one of the leading Made in Italy export categories, enjoying the success built by Italian entrepreneurs over the years, who have shown, even in the most difficult circumstances, great fortitude.

The 18th edition of Milano Unica showed a positive sign of the future prospects of the Chinese market, and the trade fair confirmed its standing as a can’t miss event for the global market and international business relations.

Milano Unica Shanghai 2023Opens in a new window

“Despite the contraction of the market, our presence in China represents an important long-term investment, with an economic impact of great importance, given the high number of consumers.

Overall, the 18th edition of Milano Unica Shanghai was a success, with positive signs for the future of the Chinese market for high-end Made in Italy textiles and accessories.



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