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Brazil makes a strong pitch for sustainable cotton in India


Brazil Cotton Outlook

New Delhi, September 13, 2024: Brazil's cotton industry kicked off its international events for the 2024-25 commercial year with a resounding message at the Cotton Brazil Outlook seminar held in New Delhi, India today. The event, organized by Cotton Brazil, showcased the country's commitment to sustainable cotton production and its potential to bolster India's textile industry.The event was organized by Cotton Brazil with the support of the Brazilian Embassy in New Delhi and in partnership with Wazir Advisors.

The seminar was attended by prominent figures from the Indian textile sector, including business leaders, investors, and government officials. The Brazilian delegation, led by Abrapa President Alexandre Pedro Schenkel, emphasized Brazil's position as the world's leading cotton exporter for the second consecutive year.

Sustainability takes centre stage

A key highlight of the event was the focus on sustainability. Célestino Zanella, a Brazilian cotton farmer and Vice President of Abrapa, shared insights into the sustainable practices employed by Brazilian cotton growers. He emphasized the industry's commitment to protecting native vegetation, implementing no-till farming, and utilizing renewable energy sources.

The seminar also shed light on Brazil's advanced traceability system, allowing for the tracking of cotton from farm to retailer. This transparency, coupled with third-party certifications and independent audits, underscores Brazil's dedication to responsible cotton production.

India: A key market for Brazilian cotton

India, as the world's second-largest cotton consumer, represents a significant market for Brazilian cotton. Although current import volumes are lower than in previous years, the seminar underscored the potential for increased trade between the two countries.

The Cotton Brazil Outlook served as a platform to showcase the quality, transparency, and sustainability of Brazilian cotton. It also highlighted the potential for collaboration between Brazil and India in the textile sector.

Key Takeaways:

• Brazil is the world's leading cotton exporter for the second year in a row.

• Brazilian cotton production is characterized by sustainable practices and advanced traceability.

• India represents a significant market for Brazilian cotton.

• The seminar emphasized the potential for increased trade and collaboration between Brazil and India.

The Cotton Brazil Outlook seminar has set a positive tone for future collaborations between Brazil and India in the cotton industry. With a shared commitment to sustainability and quality, both countries are poised to benefit from increased trade and knowledge exchange.


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