In the wake of international medical crisis emerged by Coronavirus, Apparel Sourcing Week (ASW), India's premier garment sourcing show, has rescheduled ASW2020 to June 18-20, 2020. The event will be held at the same venue Sheraton Grand Whitefield, Bengaluru with the same partners & same agenda, from the earlier announced dates of February 20-22, 2020.
Apparel Sourcing Week 2020 (ASW2020) has taken this decision considering the public health and safety of their exhibitors, visitors and speakers are of prime concern, especially as countries have issued advisories to curb international travel and movement in crowded places.
Similar concerns were shared by many of ASW's exhibitors/sponsors/speakers from abroad and within the country. While some had already excused themselves, many others were unsure of whether they would eventually be able to make it to the show. Hence, ASW has decided to reschedule the event.