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IFAI expo in October

Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) expo will be held in the US, from October 1 to 4, 2019. This will exhibit industrial and specialty textiles. IFAI expo serves all aspects of the industry, and highlights segments targeted to specific markets including specialty fabrics, advanced textiles, smart fabrics, shade and weather protection, military, marine, geosynthetics, and fabrics structures, among other markets. Numerous education and networking opportunities await attendees on and off the show floor including focused, deep-dive classroom sessions; campfire sessions; and interactive networking designed to help attendees connect and thrive.

The show floor will feature a diverse array of exhibitors as well as equipment workshops and education demonstrations. The Advanced Textiles Conference will focus on aerospace, medical, safety and protective, smart fabrics and fabric advancements. IFAI will again recognize new and innovative products and services. The annual International Achievement Awards - judged by industry experts, editors, architects, educators and design professionals — will honor innovation, technical skill and design excellence. In addition, the four Student Design Competitions sponsored by four IFAI divisions will recognize student talent in advanced textiles, awning and canopy, fabric graphics, and fabric structures. Among other attractions are the creative costuming workshop, one of the world’s largest laundry facilities, and central shops, the engineering services location where skilled craftspeople build set pieces and attraction vehicles.


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