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IFC launches ‘Better Work’ scheme for Bangladesh RMG workers

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has launched the ‘Better Work Bangladesh’ (BWB) program to improve working conditions of thousands of readymade garment factories (RMG) workers and promote its competitiveness. BWB is part of Better Work global program funded by the governments of Australia, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The government of Bangladesh and Better Work have agreed to link the continuation of the program to progress made relating to specific commitments.

In a joint initiative with the International Labor Organization (ILO), the BWB will provide factory-level services including compliance assessment in line with national labor laws and international standards, and advisory and training services to improve the workers' working conditions. 

BWB will build partnerships with the government, employers, unions, buyers, and other industry stakeholders. The goal of the program is to promote sustainable change in the sector by helping factories improve working condition and building capacity for better labor administration and industrial relations. The program will be funded by Switzerland and the United States. 

By helping improve working conditions in RMG, BWB will not just put people first but will also improve productivity, safeguard jobs and investment, and promote growth of the sector.


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