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India’s cotton production to grow to 25 million 480-pound bales in 2024-25: USDA


As per the report for 2024/25 for India’s cotton industry released by Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agricultural, India’s cotton production will grow to 25 million 480-pound bales during 2024/25.

However, the area under cotton cultivation will decline by 2 per cent 11.8 million hectare (29.2 million acre) compared to the previous forecast, as many farmers have opted to shift from cotton to higher-return crops like paddy and pulses.

Currently, India has completed cotton cultivation on 11 million hectare, with sowing still underway in southern India. Lint prices in India are trading eight to nine cents above global prices, leading mills to import cotton until new arrivals begin in October. Mill consumption is forecasted to rise by 2 per cent to 25.5 million 480-pound bales, from the previous estimate, driven by growing demand for cotton yarn and textiles in international markets.


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