The Indian textiles ministry has signed MoUs worth over Rs 18, 500 crore to develop seven PM Mega Textile Region and Apparel (PM MITRA) parks across the country. Launched with an aim to strengthen the textile sector, these parks will offer world-class infrastructure and integrated facilities.
According to the ministry, 100 per cent of the required land has been acquired and handed over to SPVs, with environmental clearances secured for sites in Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Telangana. To be developed on Greenfield and Brown field sites, these PM MITRA parks will feature plug-and-play facilities, with a government outlay of Rs 4,445 crore over seven years, up to 2027-28.
A vital pillar of the Indian economy, the textile sector contributes nearly 2 per cent to GDP, 10 per cent to industrial production, and 8.21 per cent to overall exports. The industry provides direct employment to over 45 million people, reinforcing its role as a major employment generator. In global rankings, India is the sixth-largest exporter of textiles, accounting for 3.91 per cent of global textile exports.
In the fiscal year 2023-24, domestic textile and apparel production reached approximately $175.7 billion, with exports contributing $35.87 billion.
The Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) procured nearly 42.11 lakh bales of cotton worth Rs 16, 215 crore at MSP by December 22, 2024. This benefitted benefiting around 7.75 lakh cotton farmers across cotton-growing states. India retains its position as the world’s largest producer of cotton.
A significant rise from 78.5 lakh in 2013-14, employment in India’s silk sector increased to 94.8 lakh individuals in 2023-24. This growth highlights the sector's expanding role in rural employment and economic development.
The combined efforts under PM MITRA and other government initiatives underscore India's commitment to bolstering its textile and apparel industry.