Aiming to tide over any supply shortfall, particularly at the end of the season, members of the Indian cotton fraternity plan to visit Colombo to meet port officials in that island country. The delegation would comprise of 4 to 5 members. Most likely they would travel in the first week of October. They are now awaiting confirmation from Colombo Port officials. ICF International sources perceive that textile manufacturers in Tamil Nadu would benefit if the proposal comes through.
Earlier, in his presidential address, J Thulasidharan, President, ICF had said the area under cotton in 2016-17 has been estimated to be lower by 10 per cent compared to the current year. He further said that China's fibre policy and release of old stock might tilt the global cotton demand and supply equation. Further, cotton supply could be tight due to the overall shortfall in acreage. It is therefore necessary to guide farmers on practicing Precision Cotton Farming.