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ITA Singapore show cancelled due to Coronavirus

Innovate Textile and Apparel (ITA) in Singapore scheduled for May 2020 has been called due to the Coronavirus. A virtual conference will be held instead. Delegates will have access to the scheduled presentations through internet-connected devices, allowing them to experience some of the show’s educational resources remotely. About 23 presentations will be recorded in advance and linked to presentation slides. There will also be an opportunity to pose questions to presenters during virtual networking events. The online event will give attendees the opportunity to access all presentations in one go. They can watch presentations at their own pace with no extra cost of travel or accommodation; the virtual format aims to provide all the functionality of the in-person event including the networking. The event’s programming will focus on emerging manufacturing technologies, material innovations and business models that are set to deliver the next wave of opportunity for the global textile and apparel manufacturing community.

Registrants will be able to stream presentations on topics including blockchain, supply chain efficiency, the digitally connected circular economy, 3D design and development and digital inspections. Those who are interested in the materials offerings can partake in presentations covering the future of smart textiles, e-textiles, product development processes for smart garments and more.


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