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Karl Mayer caters focuses on home textiles solutions

Karl Mayer is stepping up its operations in the home textile sector. The company has optimised its machine technology for producing fine, fashionable, net curtain fabrics, and has created a stylish collection to show examples of the products.

Karl Mayer is working on a gauge of E 28 for home textile applications. With its finer gauge, this tricot machine with weft insertion is designed to produce fashionable embroidery. Delicate veil-like fabrics with lustrous effects produced by the shimmering yarns can be produced as well as filigree fabrics with subtle linear designs. The TM Weft works on a combination of a pillar stitch, inlay and magazine weft to produce unconventional embroidery. The yarn, which is incorporated over the entire working width, creates a different look and guarantees crosswise stability, which prevents undesirable elongation when the fabric is rotated about an angle of 90° for use as net curtains.

If the pattern effects are not going to be embroidered on, but rather incorporated directly into the net curtaining fabrics, the Weft. Fashion TM 3 would be the machine of choice. This new tricot machine has three guide bars and can insert medium-weight fancy yarns as magazine weft yarns. The delicately patterned fabrics combine fine lattice grounds with a variety of attractive linear designs.


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