The standalone revenue of Kitex Garments grew 12.38 per cent in 2018-19. PAT for the whole year grew 16.32 per cent. By 2025, the target is to attain a total revenue of Rs 2165 crores from Kitex Garments and Rs 1000 crores from Kitex Children’s Wear.
Kitex has been a leading supplier of infant wear to global brands and retail giants such as Walmart, Target, Amazon, Carter’s, Gerber, Oshkosh, Buy Buy Baby, Sam’s club etc. The company aims to increase its manufacturing capacity to 22 lakh pieces a day by 2025. Besides, a new fleet of baby products, socks, diapers, baby wet wipes, are being planned to be manufactured at the Kitex factory at Kochi, eyeing the global market. Established in 1992, Kitex is the world’s third largest manufacturer of children’s apparel. It manufactures clothing for infants up to 24 months, primarily targeting the US market. Six lakh pieces of infant apparel are manufactured at Kitex a day. Almost 90 per cent of the export is to the US and the rest to European countries. Having an integrated and traceable value chain which meets global standards at various stages of the product supply chain is the key differentiator at Kitex.