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Myanmar to cultivate over 600,000 acre of cotton in fiscal 2024-25: Report


Myanmar will cultivate more than 600,000 acre of cotton across six states and regions during the 2024-25 fiscal year, reports Global New Light of Myanmar. 

According to U Min Nuang, Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation around 612,712 acre of cotton will be cultivated across 19 cultivation zones.

Myanmar also plans to expand its cotton plantation to over 747,000 acre by the 2027-28 fiscal year. However, for this, it needs to collaborate with the relevant departments, business entities, and farmers, says Min Nuang. .

Emphasisng on the significance of promoting cotton cultivation, Min Nuang says, it will help foster the growth of cotton-based micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Increased cotton production will also facilitate exports beyond domestic demand, he adds. 

Reportedly, an acre of cotton plantation in Myanmar yields approximately 700 visses, equivalent to over 1,143 kg of cotton.



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