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Organic cotton to be grown in central India

Organic cotton will be grown in the Satpuda-Pench corridor of central India. The aim is to combine organic agriculture with environmental conservation to create a win-win situation for both farmers and nature. The multi-year project will help 6,000 farmers obtain organic certification by the end of 2018.

This is an approach that minimises the negative impacts of farming while ensuring farmer livelihoods. By helping farmers go organic, the degradation of soil and water quality can be minimised. Costs can be reduced and yields for local cotton farmers can be increased.

Cotton farmers play a critical role in the apparel industry value chain. They will be trained to build the fertility of soil to increase yields and make natural plant pesticides and compost. This, in turn, enhances their agricultural productivity in the long term.

Central India is home to some of India’s largest intact forest tracts and iconic and endangered species including tigers and gaur. It is also home to several tribal communities with diverse traditional livelihoods. In recent years, however, cotton production has become a primary source of income for nearly 1.6 million farmers in the area.

Farmers that complete the program will also be able to obtain organic certification, giving them better access to international organic cotton markets.



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