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Pakistan June textile exports up 23 per cent

Pakistan’s textile exports in June 2017 jumped to 23.53 per cent over June 2016. Similarly, textile exports increased by 2.78 per cent in July, 8.55 per cent in August, 12.44 per cent in September, 7.12 per cent in October, 7.45 per cent in November, 10.15 per cent in December, 2.06 per cent in January and 7.14 per cent in February.

The overall increase during July-February has been witnessed as 7.17 per cent. Exporters are being encouraged. Duty drawback of taxes under the export package has helped increase textile exports as export figures have been gradually increasing since June 2017.

The strategy is of facilitating the import of cheaper raw materials and exporting the finished products after adding value. However, the high cost of production is still a hurdle. The textile industry is unable to tap its potential in accordance with its capacity while regional competitors are rapidly multiplying their exports because of the edge they have in the cost of doing business.

Technology upgradation has become the need of the hour. The textile policy has allowed support under the TUF scheme but due to short funding this scheme could not bring fruitful results. Claims are lying unpaid under the technology upgradation fund scheme.


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