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Robert Wun: A triumphant, theatrical homecoming at Centrestage Elite


Robert Wun

London-based designer Robert Wun made a triumphant return to his hometown, Hong Kong, this week. The city was abuzz with anticipation as Wun brought his signature theatricality to the runway for the first time. The Hong Kong Palace Museum, a prestigious venue, hosted his show, a testament to his rising star status.

The collection, titled "Home," was a personal journey, reflecting Wun's childhood memories and the influence of his Hong Kong upbringing on his designs. Organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and sponsored by the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDA), the show was part of Centrestage Elites, a platform for emerging Hong Kong designers.

Celebrating 10 Years and a rising Hong Kong fashion scene

Wun's participation in Centrestage marked the 10th anniversary of his brand. His presence highlighted the growing prominence of Hong Kong designers on the global stage. Wun expressed gratitude for the support from the government and HKTDC, which has been instrumental in fostering a thriving creative industry in the city.

While acknowledging the increasing competition in the Hong Kong market, Wun remains optimistic about the opportunities it presents. His own journey, from moving to London to pursue his fashion career to becoming a renowned couture designer, is a testament to the challenges and rewards of the industry.

robert hun collection2

The evolution of couture

Wun's transition from ready-to-wear to couture was a significant milestone. He credits Chanel CEO Bruno Pavlovsky for mentoring him and guiding him towards this path. The move was both strategic and personal, as Wun saw couture as a way to tell more compelling stories and differentiate himself in the saturated ready-to-wear market.

Wun's vision of couture extends beyond the traditional definition of high-end custom-made garments. He believes that emerging designers are redefining couture by incorporating new technologies and focusing on storytelling. While embracing innovation, Wun emphasizes the importance of preserving traditional craftsmanship and balancing techniques.

Challenges and opportunities in the modern fashion landscape

Wun acknowledges the challenges faced by young designers today, including the saturation of the market, the changing dynamics of the industry, and the increasing reliance on social media. However, he also sees the opportunities that social media and technology can provide, such as reaching a wider audience and experimenting with new creative approaches.

Ultimately, Wun's message to aspiring designers is clear: success requires hard work, perseverance, and a passion for the craft. His own journey serves as an inspiration, demonstrating the power of creativity, determination, and a willingness to embrace both challenges and opportunities.


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