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Source Fashion unites global sourcing regions


Europe's premier responsible sourcing event, Source Fashion, is set to captivate Olympia London from July 14th to 16th, 2024, with an expanded roster of international exhibitors. This year's edition promises an unprecedented array of manufacturers and material providers from burgeoning sourcing regions, notably Southeast Asia and Africa.

Suzanne Ellingham, Sourcing Director of Source Fashion, heralds the upcoming event, emphasizing its role in uniting top-tier manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. With participants hailing from approximately 30 countries, Source Fashion epitomizes diversity, offering a vast spectrum of producers specializing in various products and materials. Notably, every exhibitor undergoes rigorous auditing, ensuring adherence to responsible and transparent business practices.

Amidst the buzz, Source Fashion introduces Kualesa Apparel, marking the show's inaugural Malaysian participant. Kualesa pioneers bamboo apparel, challenging the norms of fast fashion with its blend of style and sustainability. Ariff Faisal, the brand's CEO, expresses eagerness to tap into the UK market, foreseeing fruitful collaborations with leading brands.

Philippines-based Fairs and More Inc makes its return, amplifying the show's international allure with a pavilion showcasing Filipino craftsmanship. Dawn Cabigon underscores the significance of UK connections for the Philippines, citing promising engagements with renowned British retailers.

In an innovative move, Source Fashion debuts Beyond Clothing, Nigeria's foremost garment factory, amplifying African representation. Founder Prince Arthur Oche envisions leveraging the platform to spotlight African narratives and expand globally.

Texpro Corp from Tunisia reprises its role, highlighting a commitment to sustainable manufacturing practices. With certifications spanning GOTS, BSCI, BCI, and OCS, Texpro Corp champions eco-conscious production across its denim and flat garment offerings.

Additionally, the event features the International Trade Center's pavilion, showcasing Ghanaian producers alongside Ethiopia-based Shints Co Ltd., renowned for its premium outdoor wear.

Europe maintains a robust presence with over 25 UK exhibitors and contributions from France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Notably, Portugal's Lagofra emerges as a stalwart, boasting 85 years of tradition in woven garment production.

Source Fashion 2024 transcends borders, with representation from over 30 countries, affirming its status as the UK's premier sourcing spectacle. With pavilions from industrial giants like China, India, and Turkey, coupled with emerging markets such as Tanzania, Madagascar, and Nepal, the event promises unparalleled diversity and opportunity in the global fashion landscape.



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