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Successful 37th International Cotton Conference Bremen attracts global audience

Successful 37th International Cotton Conference Bremen attracts global audience


Around 400 participants from nearly 40 countries attended the 37th International Cotton Conference Bremen from March 20 to 22, marking yet another successful gathering of industry leaders and experts. The event, which featured a blend of on-site and online sessions, hosted nearly 70 speakers across eleven sessions, presenting the latest research findings and innovative applications within the cotton sector.

Bremen parliament hosts inaugural event

For the first time, the Bremen Parliament served as the venue for the conference, setting a historic backdrop for the occasion. Welcoming the international participants, Antje Grotheer, President of the Bremen Parliament, highlighted the significance of the event in bringing together stakeholders from across the globe. Jean-Paul Haessig, President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, emphasized the conference's pivotal role in facilitating exchange within the cotton community, showcasing the industry's advancements and fostering collaborative efforts.

Keynotes set the tone

The keynote sessions, a focal point of the conference, featured esteemed speakers who provided valuable insights into current market trends and regulatory landscapes. Colin Iles, Executive Manager Cotton & Sugar at Viterra, offered an engaging overview of commodity market developments and their implications for the cotton sector. Analyst Veronica Bates Kassatly delved into forthcoming legislative regulations, sparking discussions on their potential impact on the industry. Commerzbank representatives Manuel Hochemer and Lennert van Mens complemented these insights with practical strategies for navigating sustainability reporting regulations within the European Union.

Regional Spotlight: Vietnam

A panel discussion under the theme 'Region in Focus' shed light on the dynamic cotton and textile industry in Vietnam. Representatives from the Vietnamese Cotton and Spinning Association, Long Van Yarn Ltd, and USDA analyst provided valuable perspectives, fostering a lively exchange among industry experts.

Sustainability takes center stage

Sustainability emerged as a central theme throughout the conference, permeating discussions across the supply chain. Presentations highlighted innovative approaches to sustainable cotton production, including research on biological materials and discussions on environmental impacts and circular economy initiatives. The conference also addressed issues such as traceability, transparency, fair incomes for cotton farmers, and the effects of climate change.

Emphasis on recycling

A dedicated session focused on the critical role of recycling in the cotton industry, exploring opportunities and challenges in the recycling process. The discussion underscored the importance of collaboration between research and practice in advancing recycling initiatives. Additionally, the Spinning & Textile Seminar, held in conjunction with the conference, provided insights into the use and challenges of fibers in textile recycling systems, emphasizing the value chain from clothing sorting to new product creation.

The 37th International Cotton Conference Bremen showcased the industry's resilience and commitment to sustainability, bringing together global stakeholders to exchange knowledge and drive innovation. With its diverse program and high-level discussions, the conference reaffirmed its position as a vital platform for advancing the cotton industry's agenda.



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