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TPF 2016 explores opportunities and rapid expansion of global market

TPF 2016 explores

The Shanghai International Digital Textile Printing Summit 2016 (TPF) that took place from April 17 to 19 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, explored the wealth of opportunities for Chinese printers the rapidly expanding global market. The strengths, weaknesses and development trends of Chinese market is quantified and benchmarked against both competing Asian production centres and the leading western economies. TPF 2016 attracted over 200 exhibitors and 12,000 visitors including textile printing and dyeing factories, end-users (apparel, fabric manufacturers, leather, home textile and ceramic/glass), clothing brands and designers. The visitors were from 49 countries and regions including China, India, Korea, Turkey, Southeast Asian, Japan, Italy, Russia.


TPF 2016 explores opportunities and rapid expansion of global market

Delegates learnt about the latest in both Western and Chinese technology, gained vital information to help in making technology choices, and learnt how to get the best quality and performance from their investments in digital textile applications. The event also witnessed perspectives from designers and other specifiers on the unique creative and supply chain advantages of digital printing over traditional analogue methods.

Digital printing opportunities

The event explored the potential opportunities of Chinese digital printing enterprises in today's rapid expansion of the global market. Forum site was a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and crisis of the market for digital printing in China, and the future of Chinese market development trend, research market for digital printing in China compared with industry leading parts of Asia and even the competitiveness of the industry leading western markets.

The event was organised in co-operation with the digital think-tank WTIN, a leading British B2B media company. WTIN joined the TPF, the day before the Shanghai International Digital Printing Industry Exhibition, planning ‘2016 Shanghai international textile fabric digital printing industry forum,’ to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the global textile digital printing industry.

Trends and analysis

Academicians and industry leaders analyzed the developments and trends of digital printing industry and showcase cutting-edge technologies. The delegates learnt the latest market trends, how to break the bottleneck of industrial development, demands of downstream applications, technology innovations from the conferences and seminars organised during the event.





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