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Azerbaijan's cotton production slows down

The cotton production industry in Azerbaijan is facing setbacks. Over the past 18 years, cotton production has decreased six times in the country. The acreage has fallen nine fold. Azerbaijan produced 2.7 million tons of cotton in 1995, while in 2013 the figure stood at 4,52,000 tons. This decrease is the result of a fall in cotton prices in world markets. The high use of artificial material worldwide has negatively affected the cotton growing sector. 

The country is taking measures to reduce the cost of cotton production. Despite the decrease in production in Azerbaijan, Russia increased its import of cotton from Azerbaijan by almost 20 per cent in 2013.

During the Soviet regime, especially in the 1980s, the primary emphasis in agriculture was placed on cotton cultivation. Since then, production has declined. The agricultural industry lacks adequate machinery, equipment, and technology and, thus, cotton cultivation and harvesting is outdated.

Cotton still remains a strategic product for Azerbaijan. Nevertheless, the extent of cultivation has diminished considerably. The reduction of the cotton cultivation can also be blamed on internal politics. In 1992, political leaders in Azerbaijan branded cotton cultivation as slavery, and, subsequently, the mass media launched an anti-cotton campaign oblivious to the importance of cotton for the country’s economy.


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