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BUET team surveys Bangladesh RMG units, submits report

A team from the BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) surveyed some 252 garment factories and has said 4 per cent of these might require evacuation. BUET is likely to recommend suspension of production in 10 assessed readymade garment units. It says of the 252 factories, about 25 per cent are in a relatively risky condition structurally. BUET has already submitted its findings on 50 surveyed garment factories to the government. Of the 50 factories, the team has recommended Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA) for six manufacturing units as they have fire, electrical and structural faults.

Many factories were found to have inadequate number of fire extinguishers or lack capacity for regular use of those equipment. These units also did not have appropriate stairs or had narrow ones, and lacked water reserves and fire doors or had no fire door at all.

BUET has been assessing these garment factories since November 15, 2013. The Bangladesh government, in association with the International Labor Organisation, is carrying out the project to inspect about 1500 garment factories that remain outside the inspection purview of Accord or Alliance. The Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh is an initiative by European Union retailers. Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety Initiative is a program of North American retailers.‎


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