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BWMB launches British Wool Premium Label Partnership

The British Wool Marketing Board (BWMB) has launched the new British Wool Premium Label Partnership with manufacturers who want to promote a higher content of British grown wool in their carpets, rugs and other products. This will give quality manufacturers a chance to influence how much wool of genuine British origin is used in the blend of their ranges.

The Premium Label Partnership defines the manufacturer of the product and their supply chain and ensures that the manufacturer is responsible for ensuring the content is sourced and verified according to the criteria that are set-out by the BWMB.

The Gold British Wool label and a pre-existing label named the Platinum label are included in the new Premium Label Partnership. The labels have been created to clearly define a higher level of British Wool content within a product – 70 per cent within the wool blend in the case of the Gold label and 100 per cent in the case of Platinum. The BWMB audits the chain and the product is only awarded if the strict content values of the specific label meets the standards.

The BWMB is owned by sheep farmers of the UK and sits between the wool producer and the textile industry providing wool for sale by auction across the year and promoting it through its Shepherd’s Crook licensed partnership programme.


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