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Coalition to accelerate Circular Economy in Nordic Countries

Key leaders from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark have collaborated to accelerate Circular Economy in the Nordic countries at the World Circular Economy Forum in Helsinki.

The coalition aims to establish a new platform to increase knowledge sharing about circular economy business models between the Nordic markets, while exploring the opportunities for specific circular economy projects in the Nordics. The coalition is modelled from the best practices from Holland Circular Hotspot. Stakeholders and actors interested in joining the coalition are encouraged to get in touch.

The coalition will align goals and targets for the circular economy in the Nordics, building on existing efforts from each market and experience from similar companies in different sectors. The coalition will invite governments, cities and regions, companies and knowledge institutions to collaborate closely to explore practical and scalable solutions, applicable for SMEs and core industry, as well as exploring necessary policy incentives.

Initiators of the coalition include Lifestyle and Design Cluster/National Circular Hub from Denmark; Cradlenet and RISE from Sweden; Business Finland from Finland and Circular Norway from Norway. Among other interested parties are Sitra, The Association of the Swedish Recycling Industries and Circular Sweden.

The coalition will help exchange ideas and focus on this important new way of doing business and address global common opportunities.


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