Dignity DTRT (Do The Right Thing) is a business entity that exports apparel manufactured in Ghana. The DTRT Group is West Africa’s largest apparel manufacturer and exporter and currently Dignity DTRT employs more than 1600 skilled workers with about 75 per cent of them being women mainly from the streets and low income households.
Dignity DTRT is set to export 30 million dollars worth of clothing to the United States of America by 2018 under AGOA.
Ghana wants to take full advantage of the US market through the AGOA initiative. The aim is to increase export volumes under AGOA to 500 million dollars by 2020. Of this Dignity’s share is expected to be some 82 million dollars.
The US clothing market is worth a 100 billion dollars a year. The countries of east and south Africa currently export several billion dollars’ worth of clothing every year to that market. And Ghana and West Africa want to match them. The textile and garment industry will be made a strategic anchor industry for Ghana.
Dignity DTRT produces in excess of 25,000 shirts daily and has exported more than six million garments in the past 24 months to the US under AGOA.