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Ethiopia’s first industrial park to be inaugurated on July 13

Hawassa Industrial Park, Ethiopia’s first, is scheduled to be inaugurated on July 13. Located 275 km South of the country’s capital Addis Ababa, the industrial park is expected to create job opportunities for 60,000 people in two shifts. It is expected to host textile and garment manufacturing factories.

Arkebe Oqubay, Board Chairman of Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) and Special Advisor to the Prime Minister said that Hawassa Industrial was a pioneer park and could be a model for other industrial parks which Ethiopia aspires to build in the future. According to him the Park will earn 1 billion USD for Ethiopia. Currently 20 companies have set up offices in the Park. Among these, 15 of them are foreign companies while the rest are local manufacturers. The most notable of these manufacturers are PVH and NHM.

Hawassa Industrial Park is equipped with one stop service center and its own renewable electricity sources to address power supply problems.


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