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Euratex highlights need to tackle trade barriers in China

The European apparel and textile confederation, Euratex, has highlighted the need for European Commission to tackle trade barriers in China. It has asked the Commission to address sector-specific topics such as overcapacities in the man-made fibres and yarns production. The textile confederation has reiterated that China does not meet the five criteria required to qualify as a market economy.

Euratex has welcomed the reflection process carried out by the European Commission in the last few months to address the needs of the European industry and to tackle unfair trade practices. It has released its position paper on the Commission’s proposal to change anti-dumping and anti-subsidy legislation.

European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström in January 2016, Euratex has reiterated that China does not meet the five criteria required to qualify as a market economy, in its position paper. However, it adds that it is aware that the Commission has made efforts to tackle overcapacities and to strive for preservation of European jobs by proposing to change the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy legislation.


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