Designers and brands are turning to sustainable fashion as there is a global agenda to reduce waste in the fashion industry. Emerging fashion designers are demonstrating that they, as tomorrow’s leaders, are more in tune with solutions as they are creatively cashing in on environmental and economic opportunities by reducing and re-using textile waste. These designers are cementing a positive future for fashion. They are coming up with sustainable design techniques.
So with up-cycling and reconstruction design techniques they make fabrics by tufting damaged textiles and unraveled secondhand garments. Conventional textile production is one of the most polluting industries on the planet. It’s estimated the textile industry is responsible for as much as 20 per cent of the industrial pollution in our rivers and land.
Finding ways to curb environmental pollution caused by textile production starts with finding new ways to produce fabrics that don’t require toxins and large amounts of water, and which minimise harm to the ecology. One way is by the use of low-impact dyes.
Textiles made of organic cotton require less water to manufacture than conventional cotton textiles and are often more comfortable. Organic cotton is grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Eco-friendly silk is produced primarily in India, North Asia and Africa. Sustainable products use methods that don’t kill the moth.