India’s cotton production is projected to rise by two per cent in 2017-18 as area expands by seven per cent. China’s cotton production may increase by two per cent. Production in the United States is forecast to rise by just one per cent. Assuming normal weather patterns, the harvested area is projected to expand by three per cent. Pakistan’s cotton production is forecast to grow by eleven per cent. Its cotton area is projected to expand by three per cent. Average yield may grow by eight per cent.
Global cotton production is forecast to grow by 23.1 million tons on a planted area of 30.4 million hectares in 2017-18. World cotton consumption is expected to remain stable. Given the strong demand this season, and anticipated world economic growth in 2017 and 2018, world mill use is forecast to increase by one per cent.
China’s share of cotton consumption is likely to remain at 30 per cent. Mill use in India is projected to decline by three per cent in 2016-17 but is forecast to recover by one per cent in 2017-18. Consumption in Bangladesh continues to grow due to strong textile exports, with its mill use likely to rise by five per cent in 2017-18. Mill use in Vietnam has more than doubled in the last five years.