International forecast output of man-made fibres (cellulosic and oil-based, filament and staple fibres) has been set at 71 million tonnes as against 30 million tonnes of natural fibres. As per estimates by CIRFS, the European man-made fibres association, worldwide production of man-made fibres is set to increase further, whilst natural fibres will remain the industry’s biggest ‘employer’. At the farm level, estimated sales in 2016 amounted to around US$ 50bn. Due largely to the higher price of cotton and jute in 2015, output rose sharply by a further 8 to 10 per cent in 2016.
Of all the natural fibres, cotton is well known for consuming large volumes of water and use of pesticides to control the ever growing number of pests. On the other hand, many of the figures available are outdated and thus fail to reflect the correct position as new varieties and modern cultivation methods have led to tremendous improvements in these areas.
Extensive training programmes in the producer countries are helping small farmers gain higher yields whilst using fewer resources. The introduction of a nationwide water management system in Israel recently hit the headlines while describing the country as a ‘water wonder’. The Israeli water authorities launched a programme in 2008 not only to desalinate larger quantities of sea water, but also to repair leaky pipeline systems, install closed irrigation systems and, in collaboration with farmers, to tread new ground in cultivation. Comparing cotton yields per hectare between countries such as Mozambique with 162 kg, the USA with 912 kg, China, Turkey and Brazil with 1500 kg each, Israel has now taken the lead with 1892 kg.