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Jeanologia presents first Jeans finishing plant with zero contamination

Jeanologia, a Spanish company, specialists in sustainable technologies for garment finishing, is presenting at ITMA Milan, the first Jeans finishing plant that guarantees zero contamination-the zero discharge production centre. Zero technology recycles 100% of the water used, eliminating the need for water treatment and also the use of pumice stone.



The zero discharge production centre claims to revolutionise the textile industry because, for the first time ever, a denim treatment plant will achieve zero waste. Jeanologia has been able to achieve this with combination of three technologies i.e. the light of the laser, wet and dry Ozone G2, and the nano bubbles of the reactor eFlow, combination reduces water consumption by 90%, the use of chemicals by 90%, and energy consumption by 50%.

“Introduction of ZERØ represents a revolution in the textile industry, we have managed to transform the way that jeans are produced, by way of technologies that reduce the use of water, chemicals, and energy, and we are now taking this transformation a step further with our ZERØ technology, which recycles the water used and eliminates any waste." , says Enrique Silla, CEO Jeanologia. He further adds “The Denim industry currently uses around 350 million m3 of water; and going further with Jeanologia's intelligent treatment plant, we will achieve a water saving of 315 million m3. We believe that by 2020 80% of global production will be generated by zero discharge centers.

“Jeanologia is helping to improve transparency in the textile industry, which at times has been accused of archaic and pollutant production processes. We are living in a new industrial era, in which automation, sustainability, and the intelligent recycling of water will help to make the textile industry a model of transparency, innovation, and sustainable practices.

“Technologically, we have a new optical concept with that we can have new Light PP spray system implemented on all our machines, which helps in reducing dyeing, reducing damage to environment, saving water and improvement in garment”, says Carmen Silla, Marketing Manager, Jeanologia, “ We are happy to respond to the need of the hour that goes to take care of people as well as environment”, she summarises.

The Spanishcompany, Jeanologia, istheworld'sleadingplayer in sustainableandefficienttechnologiesforthe textile finishingindustry.

Since 1993, Jeanologiahaspioneeredandrevolutionizedthe textile industry, offeringendlesspossibilities in garmentfinishinganddesign, while at the same time savingwater, energy, andchemicals, andeliminatingharmfulwasteandemissions. The companycovers 5 continents, 45 countries, includingthe USA, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Tunisia, Portugal, India, China, Russia, Japan, Morocco, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Vietnam. Leadingbrands, such asLevi’s, Polo Jeans, Abercrombie & Fitch, Edwin Japan, Pepe Jeans, Diesel, Hilfiger Denim, Salsa jeans, Jack & Jones, and Replay, aswellasthebigretailers, including GAP, Uniqlo, and H&M, areusingthetechnologyithasdeveloped.


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