In 1997, Studio Ghibli's "Princess Mononoke" entranced Japanese audiences, becoming a box office record-breaker. Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece, renowned for its animation and environmental themes, now teams up with Levi's. The Levi’s x Princess Mononoke collection merges iconic style and enchanting aesthetics, celebrating both brands' attention to detail and artistry.
The film delves into human-nature duality, using hand-painted backgrounds to depict lush landscapes. The collection, featuring denim like the San & Wolf Trucker Jacket and Ashitaka 501 '93 Jeans, seamlessly blends film scenery with denim. Graphic tees and hoodies echo characters' ideologies, mirroring the movie's contrasting moments.
Accessories include a bandana with San's red battle mask, an Ancient Forest Bucket Hat, and San &Ashitaka Tote. Coin bags feature San’s mask and a Kodama face, adding to the enchantment. The Levi’s x Princess Mononoke collection launches on August 10, 2023, available online and in select stores.