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Price of viscose yarn inches up by Rs 1 a kg in India

Viscose yarn prices inched up a little in the fourth week of June due to unchanged VSF cost and significant rise in export. Prices of 30s viscose spun yarn inched up by Rs 1 a kg in the Indore market. Last May, exports of viscose yarns from India jumped more than 80% year-on-year both in terms of volume and value. FOB prices were also up 5% in the comparable months.

In Jiangsu, China, prices of 40s compact sirospun yarn remained unchanged while prices of 30s spun viscose in Xiaoshan came marginally down. The performance of viscose spun yarn was still subdued, with mute trading atmosphere in China. Prices of core‐spun yarn were largely maintained while regular specs were corrected downwards somewhat as cost pressure eased a bit with VSF markets showing signs of weakening amid falling offers.

Given the firmness in VSF pricing while demand was still poor, prices of viscose yarn In Pakistan mostly rolled over. The prices of 35s and 40s viscose yarns came down by US cent 1 per pound due to weak currency.


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