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Sri Lankan EDB launches second symposium on export strategy

The Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade and the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) is conducting the second consultation for Sri Lanka’s National Export Strategy (NES) from July 12 to 20. Over 300 public and private sector representatives are attending to chart the next export growth cycle for the country.

The key aim of the meeting is to set a roadmap to expand export and analyse performance of value chains for NES focus sectors, market orientations, challenges and opportunities. They are also expected to identify challenges in the provision of quality and affordable trade support services to Sri Lanka exporters.

The symposium will be followed by regional discussions during September 2017 where national public and private sector representatives will confirm key interventions that the NES should focus on during the next five years. The development of this strategy is the main focus of ‘EU-Sri Lanka Trade Related Assistance: Enhancing SMEs trade competitiveness in regional and EU markets’ project, implemented by the International Trade Centre and funded by the European Union. During the first NES consultation in April, a strategic vision for Sri Lanka’s export growth was agreed upon.


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