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TextileGenesi launches upgraded version of software platform to boost traceability


A Lectra Group company, TextileGenesis has launched the enhanced 2.0 version of its software platform to improve traceability in the fashion industry. This upgrade version of the platform enables brands and manufacturers to digitally track their textiles, from raw materials to finished products, thus ensuring the authenticity and sustainability of their garments.

The new version boasts of several key features like risk management by identifying potential issues within the supply chain using publicly available databases. 

The system provides a comprehensive picture of the entire supply chain by tracking materials through over 300 different production stages. It integrates with over 90 per cent of major material certification standards allowing third-party verification of sustainability claims. 

The platform also enables TextileGenesis to verify the source of materials from Tier IV and V suppliers, thus ensuring responsible practices throughout the production process. Further, it simplifies communication between brands and suppliers by offering a standardised data exchange through APIs and SFTPs. 

Along with an enhanced user interface and increased data integrity checks, these improvements make TextileGenesis a powerful tool for promoting transparency in the fashion industry. Currently, the platform is being used by over 8,000 users across 70 countries to achieve greater traceability within their supply chains.



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