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US is the largest raw cotton exporter with 36 per cent export value

The United States is currently the largest raw cotton exporting country in the world, accounting for 36 per cent of the total cotton export value in the world. The biggest market for US cotton is Honduras followed by Mexico. The Dominican Republic is the third leading importer of US cotton and China is the fourth leading cotton export market for the US.

World production of cotton is about 25 million tons annually. China is the world’s leading cotton producer but most of the cotton produced is consumed by the domestic market. India ranks second in cotton production but a large proportion of the cotton produced is also consumed by the Indian textile industry. The United States ranks third in cotton production in the world.

India is the second leading exporter of raw cotton in the world. Exports of raw cotton from India account for 15 per cent of the total global export value of this product. Cotton plays a vital role in the economy of the country and cotton exports contribute significantly to the country’s GDP. Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Telangana are the three leading cotton producing states in the country.

Africa’s share in the cotton trade has doubled since 1980. Although Africa does not have a significant domestic textile industry, cotton is grown by small holders in some countries of Africa.


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