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World cotton imports may fall 4 per cent

World cotton mill use is likely remain unchanged from 2014-15 at 24.3 million tons. International cotton prices have remained similar to those registered last season, while polyester prices have continued to fall. After decreasing steadily since 2010-11, China’s mill use was stable at 7.5 million tons in 2014-15, but is projected to decline by three per cent in 2015-16. India’s mill use is forecast to increase by three per cent while Pakistan’s may decrease by 12 per cent.

While cotton consumption is expected to overtake production in 2015-16, the global supply of cotton is still abundant. World stocks at the end of 2015-16 are forecast to be 20.6 million tons, 58 per cent of which will be in China.

World imports are projected to decline in 2015-16 by four per cent. While imports outside of China are forecast to increase by six per cent, this rise will not offset the decline in China’s imports, which are expected to decrease by 34 per cent.

Production in Australia is forecast to increase by 11 per cent in 2015-16. A 13 per cent reduction in harvested area in the United States coupled with lower yields due in part to excessive rains in autumn are expected to lead to a fall in production of 18 per cent.


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