Countries like Thailand, Indonesia and possibly the UK are looking to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This is a huge free trade zone that will account for 13 per cent of the world's gross domestic product and 15 per cent of global trade.
TPP-11 nations are big recipients of exports from Asean members that have signed the agreement, or are likely to join later. The US’ decision to pull out almost collapsed the TPP as Asean members had little incentive to remain in the pact, which required them to push through painful domestic reforms without the benefit of access to the US market.
Malaysia and Vietnam opted to stay in the agreement, while Thailand and Indonesia warmed to it. The US pullout reduced the clout of the trade accord. America is a major export market for these Southeast Asian nations, accounting for 10 to 20 per cent of their exports but only Singapore has a bilateral FTA with the world's largest economy. For Asean members, the primary reason for being part of the trade pact was greater access to the lucrative US market.
Thailand and Malaysia began FTA talks with the US in 2004 and 2006, respectively, but negotiations fizzled because of unworkable US demands.