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AWI to invest in R&D to boost Merino production

The research, development and marketing body of the Australian wool industry Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) plans to significantly increase its investment in reproductive efficiency of Merino over the next four years.

Building on its investment of over $2.7 million in all facets of the Lifetime Ewe Management program over four years, AWI aims in new research and development opportunities to improve the reproductive performance of the Merino. As AWI’s flagship extension program, Lifetime Ewe Management (LTEM) has now directly influenced 20 per cent of the national flock. The 3,000 wool producers that have participated in LTEM have on average increased weaning rates by 10 per cent and reduced ewe mortality by 30 per cent. AWI now aims to increase the participation rate of LTEM to 50 per cent of the national flock by 2019, assisted by regional variants of the program.

A farm based course developed and delivered through Rural Industries Skill Training or RIST, LTEM involves woolgrowers learning to best match the energy requirements of animals with pasture production and supplementary feeding to maximise production and animal welfare. To help guide research opportunities, renew strategy and deliver further extension, AWI has brought on board renowned sheep researcher Dr Andrew Thompson as the new Program Manager of Reproduction for AWI.


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