In 2017-18, world cotton production is projected to increase by eight per cent due to an eight per cent expansion in world cotton area. India is expected to remain the world’s largest producer with output increasing six per cent. China’s production is projected to rebound by seven per cent. Production in the United States is expected to rise by ten per cent and cotton area is expected to expand by 18 per cent. After two seasons of contraction, better expected returns for cotton encouraged farmers to expand cotton area in Pakistan by nine per cent. Pakistan’s production is projected to increase by 17 per cent. Cotton production in Brazil is forecast to increase by five per cent.
World cotton consumption in 2017-18 is forecast to rise by two per cent. A modest one per cent increase is projected for China, the world’s largest cotton consumer. Consumption in India is forecast to increase by two per cent. Pakistan’s mill use is expected to rise by four per cent. Consumption in Bangladesh is projected to rise by five per cent.
World cotton trade is projected to decline by one per cent. While the United Sates is expected to remain the world’s largest exporter, its exports are nevertheless forecast to decrease by eight per cent. India’s exports are forecast to rise by two per cent and Australia’s exports by eight per cent. Bangladesh, Vietnam and China are expected to remain the world’s three largest importers.