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GFA, H&M Foundation partner to expand GCFF operations


Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) and H&M Foundation have formed a new collaboration to bolster the efforts of the Global Circular Fashion Forum (GCFF). 

Over the next three years, this partnership will inject substantial funding into GFA's circularity impact initiatives while also acting as a catalyst for expanding the National Circular Fashion Partnership programs. These programs are currently active in Bangladesh, with plans for development in Cambodia, Vietnam, Türkiye, and Indonesia.

Since its launch in 2022, GCFF, a global initiative established by GFA and supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), has been instrumental in driving global and local action in textile manufacturing countries to accelerate and scale the recycling of post-industrial textile waste. By November 2023, GCFF and its National Circular Fashion Partnerships had successfully recycled 10,685 tonnes of textile waste, equivalent to approximately 60 million t-shirts. This was achieved by building a collaborative community comprising 179 manufacturers, 15 waste handlers, and 22 recyclers.

With the invaluable support of H&M Foundation, continued partnership with GIZ, and collaboration with project partners Circle Economy, Closed Loop Fashion, Reverse Resources, and local stakeholders in targeted regions, GFA is poised to extend the reach and amplify the influence and impact of GCFF. Together, these organizations aim to establish an effective ecosystem for scaling circularity within the fashion industry.

The ultimate vision of GCFF is to spearhead a long-term, scalable, and just transition towards a fully circular fashion industry. This will be accomplished through a strategic blend of knowledge exchange, multistakeholder facilitation, and mobilising industry commitment.



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