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ICAC: Rapid rise in cotton prices driven by speculative buying


Recent data from the Cotton This Month report has revealed a remarkable upswing in cotton prices, surpassing initial market expectations. This increase, largely unexpected, has been propelled by a flurry of speculative buying activity in the futures market.

Speculative buyers have fueled a surge in demand for futures contracts, triggering an upward trajectory in cotton prices. This trend reflects a familiar pattern where speculators draw in additional market participants, creating a feedback loop that amplifies buying pressure and subsequently pushes prices higher.

The true narrative will unfold in the coming months, particularly as planting intentions solidify, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. With planting intentions reported lower than in previous years, the question looms whether the recent price surge will incentivize farmers to expand the cotton-growing area.

Should the planted area remain below historical levels, coupled with a potential uptick in consumer sentiment, demand in the 2024/25 season could rise, further justifying and sustaining higher prices. This scenario is bolstered by diminished stocks in major producing countries.

The Secretariat's projections for the season-average A-index for 2023/24 range from 83.5 to 102.3 cents per pound, with a midpoint of 91.73 cents. For the latest statistics and up-to-date information, the Data Dashboard serves as a valuable resource, continuously updated to reflect the latest data. Additionally, cotton balance sheets have been migrated to the ICAC Data Dashboard, ensuring accessibility and accuracy for users.



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