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Janak Mehta is ADIF chairman

Janak Mehta is chairman of Asia Dyestuff Industry Federation (ADIF). ADIF, based in China, is an apex body and a conglomerate of dyestuff and pigment manufacturers of Asia. It was conceived to represent and promote the interests of the dyestuffs and colorant industry in this part of the world.

The basic function of the federation is to promote communication and exchange information among members, create opportunities and conditions for bilateral and multilateral co-operation for holding seminars, exhibitions etc for the development of the Asian colorant industry.

There has been a shift in the power-centre of the colorant manufacturing and consumer segments toward Asia.

Six Asian countries’ dyestuff associations have jointly established the Asia Dyestuff Industry Federation having its head office in China and regional office in India. The federation consists of industries and commercial associations of Pakistan, India, China, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

The formation of the federation will be helpful for importers and industries in the Asian region.

In his maiden address, Mehta, the newly appointed chairman, expressed optimism that with the support and co-operation of all stakeholders, ADIF would be able to perform its activities for the benefit of all concerned to usher in better days for the Asian dyestuff industry.



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