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Jeanologia working towards sustainable technologies for jean production

Jeanologia, a Spanish specialist for sustainable technologies for garment finishing, has been researching for over 20 years on how to transform the jeans industry. It develops products in an eco-efficient way, produces an eco-sustainable product and brings a sustainable product to the market. Almost 35 per cent of the five billion jeans produced every year are made with Jeanologia technology.

In a few years, it may be possible for production to use zero water and create zero waste, increase productivity and reduce time to market and poverty and foster economic growth. Jeanologia continuously works at increasing awareness and involving everyone while reducing the water footprint and without losing competitiveness or compromising on design and quality.

During the past month, Jeanologia technology has led to a saving of 8,00,000 cubic meters of water. This saving has been possible thanks to the laser, ozone, and e-flow technology being used in the 60 countries Jeanologia works in.

The combination of the company’s technology has contributed to a saving of around eight million cubic meters of water in 2017. The company’s technology has allowed the elimination of potassium permanganate, pumice stone, manual scraping and traditional washing at the same time as considerably reducing chemical use.



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