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Pakistan’s cotton production misses market estimates

Traders and analysts expected the current cotton season from August 2015 to July 2016 in Pakistan to produce a record cotton output of nearly 15 million bales (155 kgs). However, the current situation indicates that the country will miss that projection by a wide margin. According to traders in Karachi, a toxic mixture of poor cottonseeds supply for sowing purpose, poor weather conditions and consequent pest attacks have adversely impacted this year's cotton production by nearly four to five million bales (155 kgs).

Thus the cotton output for Pakistan for the current season (2015/2016) is expected to be between 10 to 10.5 million bales (155 kgs) while the textile mills are projecting their consumption between 14 and 14.5 million bales. Imports of cotton this season may range from 2.5 to 3 million bales, while the exporters may ship anywhere from 300,000 to 350,000 bales.

On the other hand, manufacture and sale of yarns and other textiles continue to witness a downward trend. According to the cotton arrivals report of the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) showing seed cotton (Kapas/Phutti) arrivals for the current season (2015/2016) in Pakistan till the 1st of December, 2015, at 8,631,933 lint equivalent bales (155 kgs) compared to 12,145,705 bales received for this period during the last season (2014/2015), or a decrease of 28.93 per cent. Domestic mills have picked up 6,289,826 bales. An unsold quantity of 1,989,708 bales is lying with the ginners in both pressed and loose form.


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