Serge Piolat has been elected president of Euratex (European Apparel and Textile Confederation) for the period 2015-2016. Piolat , 63, is co-owner of Schappe, a French group of companies specializing in the production of technical spun yarns supplied to various industrial sectors. He was a member of Euratex board of directors since 2009 and acted as vice-president since 2011.
He wants to work toward strengthening and consolidating Euratex as the single European voice of textile and clothing industry. In the following year, he would like also to focus on a number of strategic priorities, among them enhancing the competitiveness of European manufacturing and lobby for a genuine European industrial policy, increasing knowledge and access of companies to European programs, achieving concrete results in market access across the world and promoting a level playing field in international competition.
Piolat also wants to ensure adequate inclusion of technical textiles, new technologies and assembling methods in Europe and increase communication on the excellence of European products notably with respect to environment, consumer safety.
Euratex is the European confederation representing the interests of the European textile and clothing industries. Euratex's member federations directly or indirectly represent, in the EU, some 1,86.000 companies of an industry employing 1.8 million workers. The companies which are overwhelmingly small and medium-sized enterprises cover a broad industry cross-section in terms of product, market segment and geographical spread.