Soorty a vertically integrated denim manufacturer from Pakistan has a tradition of innovation and sustainable manufacturing. The zero water blue capsule collection is a milestone for the denim industry because it is vertically sustainable. Vertical sustainability is about being green throughout the entire production process, from raw fiber up to the ready, washed garment.
The zero water blue capsule includes the use of special features like organic cotton, BCI, recycled fibers, zero water waste dyeing, eco-finishing, responsible laundering with ozone, laser, e-flow, green screen chemicals and measuring impact with Jeanologia’s EIM.
Zero water blue reduces water consumption by 90 per cent in fabric manufacturing. Green chemicals, processes, and machines in the laundry reduce water consumption per garment to 1.6 liters. Zero water blue utilizes only 3.1 liters of water per garment from raw fiber up to the finished garment. And this process has zero impact on the color and aesthetics of the final product.
Soorty has a capacity of 3.2 million meters per month. Out of this around 1.4 million meters is used to produce 60,000 garments a day and the remaining 1.8 million is available for exports of fabric. Currently, Soorty is mainly doing bottoms, specializing in constructing high quality fabrics for use in women’s high stretch jeggings.