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Vietnam exports the most raw cotton to US in November

Vietnam Customs has reported that in November last, imports of raw cotton provisionally totaled 75,516 tonnes of which 43,480 tonnes were attributed to foreign direct-invested enterprises. Among the countries that imported cotton from Vietnam were United States (25,010 tonnes) followed closely by Brazil (24,843). On the imports side, 9,802 tonnes arrived from Australia, 2,277 tonnes from India and 1,802 tonnes from Pakistan.

Of this year’s total, imports from the United States accounted for 169,262 tonnes, those from Australia 64,929 tonnes and Brazil supplied 45,724 tonnes. The figure for the US is more than twice that recorded during the corresponding timeframe in 2015. In the first four months of the international statistical season that commenced from August 1, imports amounted to 342,275 tonnes against 327,791 tonnes that were recorded during the same period last year.


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