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Chinese businesses trying to go circular

The goals of Chinese textile manufacturers and leading fashion brands are converging. Both need to clean up and want to go circular. Since China is still a major supplier of fashion raw materials there is an opportunity to lay the foundations for a clean and circular business model. Manufacturers are largely on track, on going clean and tackling their water risks, as well as starting to move circular. About 98 per cent say they are taking actions to be green, 74 per cent are recycling water, 88 per cent have upgraded their wastewater equipment and 84 per cent upgraded equipment for chemicals. As for the circular economy, 72 per cent see business benefit in moving to it.

While manufacturers are clearly moving towards a clean and circular model, they still face significant regulatory, operational and reputational challenges as well as knowledge gaps. Costs are rising but prices offered by brands/sourcing agents are not reflecting this and so already thin profit margins are being squeezed further.

The dirty, thirsty and wasteful fashion industry poses water risks. Manufacturers have three overarching wishes to help them overcome their challenges. They are more training, more help with sourcing and more financial support. However, what’s common to all of these challenges and wishes is how to be compliant within the current low-price business model.


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