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Chinese textile companies build capacity in Vietnam

Many Chinese companies like Texhong Textile, Luthai Textile, Bros Eastern and Huafu have built textile plants in Vietnam. By the end of 2015, Texhong Textile had around 2.2 million spindles and 572 sets of looms. Texhong’s yarn capacity is expected to rise 28 per cent to touch 2.81 million spindles in 2016 including 1.57 million spindles in China and 1.24 million spindles in Vietnam.

The first phase of Luthai Textile in Vietnam covering 10 million meters of yarn-dyed fabric started production in August 2016 and the rest covering 20 million meters is scheduled to begin batch production in mid-2017.

The project of Bros Eastern in Vietnam covering three stages is scheduled to start complete operation by the end of 2016, and Phase I and II have started production. The spinning capacity of Bros Eastern in Vietnam is expected to be around 0.5 million spindles by the end of 2016.

Huafu Top Dyed Melange Yarn owned more than 30 companies plants in 2015, with a total capacity of 1.35 million spindles including around 0.12 million spindles in Vietnam. Huafu intends to expand by 0.08 million spindles in Vietnam annually in the next two years. The spinning capacity is expected to reach 0.28 million spindles by the end of 2017.


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