Accord is a platform of western buyers and has been undertaking workplace safety activities in the country’s readymade garment sector. Accord, has a coalition of more than 200 global apparel brands, retailers and rights groups, has so far inspected fire, electrical and structural integrity in some 1,600 garment factories.
Of these, some 172 completed full post-inspection flaw fixing work while 171 faced business termination due to their failure to fix safety flaws. A total of 89 per cent progress has been recorded in all factories. The tenure of existing Accord ended in May this year and it was given a six-month extension.
Pressure for further extension of Accord, however, is mounting from different quarters mainly to complete the tasks and continue with the ongoing safety culture for long-term sustainability. The Bangladesh readymade garment industry is undoubtedly safer, and lives have been saved.
After the 2013 Rana Plaza tragedy, global apparel brands no longer ignore dangerous working conditions at their supplier factories. Five years on, Bangladesh Accord stands as a model for industrial relations, and shows that brands and unions can work together to solve systemic problems.