Honduras wants to be one of the top textile and apparel producers and exporters in the world. As of now the Central American country is the second largest exporter of textiles in the region, after Mexico. Total export value of Honduras’ textile products is expected to grow by 10 per cent in 2017. The US, Europe and Canada are some of the largest export destinations for Honduras.
By 2020, Honduras wants to double its apparel exports and become the fifth largest clothing supplier for the US, up from its current position at seventh. The project is set to generate over 2,00,000 new jobs in the sector, and there will be additional funds for training more skilled workers, establishing renewable energy facilities and building logistics infrastructure.
Sustainability and innovation will be the new main focuses for Honduras to develop its textile and apparel sector. A big emphasis has been placed on technology to ensure the sustainability of all manufacturing processes in the textile industry, from saving water in the fabric dyeing process to using recycled fibers in production.
The country’s location allows it to have shorter time span and lower costs to ship its textile and apparel products to major ports in the United States and Europe compared to any other Asian textile exporter.